How does Lunaxminer operate ?
We are a strong community of like-minded individuals who are committed to helping investors succeed. We do this by helping everyone in our community achieve their full potential, regardless of their current level of success.
What payment method is accepeted on the platform?
> Bitcoin > USDT > Ethereum > Litecoin > Solana
How long does it take for my deposit to be processed?
Deposits takes maximum of 60 minutes to be processed Just note: All deposits can take up to 12hrs
How long does it take for me to get paid after withdrawal request?
Withdrawals takes maximum of 60 minutes to be processed Just note: All withdrawals can take up to 12hrs
How is the reward distributed?
Marketing & Development 3%
Lunaxminer Company rewards 2%
Liquidity Pool 1%
What is the reward for long-term investors?
Every user who holds their investments for the long term is considered our shareholder. The investors get huge rewards for patience
2% of every buy/sell tax is distributed to Lunaxminer long term holders who will receive Bitcoin as their reward.